Glazing strips


Glazing strip 2,2*1,7 kopia

catalog no.: R2217(1-1,7)
height: 22 mm
width: 17 mm
length: mix od 100 cm do 170 cm
The product is available in lengths between 200 and 400cm. We ship goods in such lengths that the cost of transport is as low as possible for the customer. If you want to buy slats longer than 200 ~ 240 cm, please enter this information in the comments. As far as possible, we will try to select the indicated lengths, but you must remember that shipping slats over 240 cm long generates a significantly higher cost of transport.
Grainless pine glazing bead. Internal dimension 17.5 * 8 mm. - - available immediately
Product available in stock. If the order together with the confirmation of the transfer is received by 10.00 am, the goods will be sent on the same day.
Available immediately
see product opinions
price: €1,98 gross/rm
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Glazing strip 2,2*1,7

catalog no.: R2217-2,2m
height: 22 mm
width: 17 mm
length: 220 cm
The product is available in lengths between 200 and 400cm. We ship goods in such lengths that the cost of transport is as low as possible for the customer. If you want to buy slats longer than 200 ~ 240 cm, please enter this information in the comments. As far as possible, we will try to select the indicated lengths, but you must remember that shipping slats over 240 cm long generates a significantly higher cost of transport.
Grainless pine glazing bead. Internal dimension 17.5 * 8 mm. - - available immediately
Product available in stock. If the order together with the confirmation of the transfer is received by 10.00 am, the goods will be sent on the same day.
Available immediately
see product opinions
price: €1,98 gross/rm
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