Decorative cornice strips


Cornice strip, ceiling tile Creativa LGZ-01

catalog no.: LGZ-01
height: 87 mm
width: 85 mm
length: 2400 mm
Foamed polyurethane, lightweight, moisture resistant, non-flammable and non-toxic, smooth texture strip, for painting in any color.
price: €48,84 gross/pcs
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Cornice strip, ceiling tile Creativa LGZ-02

catalog no.: LGZ-02
height: 55 mm
width: 65 mm
length: 2400 mm
Foamed polyurethane, lightweight, moisture resistant, non-flammable and non-toxic, smooth texture strip, for painting in any color.
price: €28,63 gross/pcs
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Cornice strip, ceiling tile Creativa LGZ-03

catalog no.: LGZ-03
height: 100 mm
width: 92 mm
length: 2400 mm
Foamed polyurethane, lightweight, moisture resistant, non-flammable and non-toxic, smooth texture strip, for painting in any color.
price: €51,33 gross/pcs
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Cornice strip, ceiling tile Creativa LGZ-04

catalog no.: LGZ-04
height: 70 mm
width: 80 mm
length: 2400 mm
Foamed polyurethane, lightweight, moisture resistant, non-flammable and non-toxic, smooth texture strip, for painting in any color.
price: €37,00 gross/pcs
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Cornice strip, ceiling tile Creativa LGZ-05

catalog no.: LGZ-05
height: 110 mm
width: 135 mm
length: 2400 mm
Foamed polyurethane, lightweight, moisture resistant, non-flammable and non-toxic, smooth texture strip, for painting in any color.
price: €56,88 gross/pcs
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Cornice strip, ceiling tile Creativa LGZ-06

catalog no.: LGZ-06
height: 115 mm
width: 115 mm
length: 2400 mm
Foamed polyurethane, lightweight, moisture resistant, non-flammable and non-toxic, smooth texture strip, for painting in any color.
price: €64,37 gross/pcs
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Cornice strip, ceiling tile Creativa LGZ-07

catalog no.: LGZ-07
height: 133 mm
width: 137 mm
length: 2400 mm
Foamed polyurethane, lightweight, moisture resistant, non-flammable and non-toxic, smooth texture strip, for painting in any color.
price: €75,98 gross/pcs
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Cornice strip, ceiling tile Creativa LGZ-08

catalog no.: LGZ-08
height: 159 mm
width: 65 mm
length: 2400 mm
Foamed polyurethane, lightweight, moisture resistant, non-flammable and non-toxic, smooth texture strip, for painting in any color.
price: €60,47 gross/pcs
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Cornice strip, ceiling tile Creativa LGZ-09

catalog no.: LGZ-09
height: 94 mm
width: 86 mm
length: 2400 mm
Foamed polyurethane, lightweight, moisture resistant, non-flammable and non-toxic, smooth texture strip, for painting in any color.
price: €47,38 gross/pcs
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Cornice strip, ceiling tile Creativa LGZ-10

catalog no.: LGZ-10
height: 114 mm
width: 80 mm
length: 2400 mm
Foamed polyurethane, lightweight, moisture resistant, non-flammable and non-toxic, smooth texture strip, for painting in any color.
price: €49,13 gross/pcs
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Cornice strip, ceiling strip Creativa LGZ-11

catalog no.: LGZ-11
height: 75 mm
width: 75 mm
length: 2400 mm
Foamed polyurethane, lightweight, moisture resistant, non-flammable and non-toxic, smooth texture strip, for painting in any color.
price: €36,45 gross/pcs
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Cornice strip, ceiling strip Creativa LGZ-12

catalog no.: LGZ-12
height: 72 mm
width: 72 mm
length: 2400 mm
Foamed polyurethane, lightweight, moisture resistant, non-flammable and non-toxic, smooth texture strip, for painting in any color.
price: €40,86 gross/pcs
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Cornice strip, ceiling strip Creativa LGZ-13

catalog no.: LGZ-13
height: 133 mm
width: 160 mm
length: 2400 mm
Foamed polyurethane, lightweight, moisture resistant, non-flammable and non-toxic, smooth texture strip, for painting in any color.
price: €97,53 gross/pcs
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Cornice strip, ceiling strip Creativa LGZ-14

catalog no.: LGZ-14
height: 78 mm
width: 40 mm
length: 2400 mm
Foamed polyurethane, lightweight, moisture resistant, non-flammable and non-toxic, smooth texture strip, for painting in any color.
price: €30,33 gross/pcs
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Cornice strip, ceiling strip Creativa LGZ-15

catalog no.: LGZ-15
height: 148 mm
width: 122 mm
length: 2400 mm
Foamed polyurethane, lightweight, moisture resistant, non-flammable and non-toxic, smooth texture strip, for painting in any color.
price: €75,75 gross/pcs
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Cornice strip, ceiling strip Creativa LGZ-16

catalog no.: LGZ-16
height: 171 mm
width: 178 mm
length: 2400 mm
Foamed polyurethane, lightweight, moisture resistant, non-flammable and non-toxic, smooth texture strip, for painting in any color.
price: €114,80 gross/pcs
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Cornice strip, ceiling molding, corner Creativa, LGZ-17

catalog no.: LGZ-17
height: 171 mm
width: 178 mm
length: 2400 mm
Foamed polyurethane, lightweight, moisture resistant, non-flammable and non-toxic, smooth texture strip, for painting in any color.
price: €112,11 gross/pcs
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Listwa sufitowa

Listwy gzymsowe ozdobne są rozwiązaniem, nad którym powinien zastanowić się każdy miłośnik bogato wykończonych wnętrz. Sklep Drewlux dysponuje wieloma modelami ozdobnych listw sufitowych. Dzięki nim każde pomieszczenie pełne zdobień, ozdób i przepychu stanie się dopełnione i kompletne. Wykonane z nietoksycznego spienionego poliuretanu, ozdobne listwy gzymsowe prezentują się naprawdę świetnie. Pozwalają na stworzenie gładkiego i płynnego przejścia między sufitem a ścianą. Bogaty wybór wzorów i typów zdobień sprawia, że w naszej ofercie każdy odnajdzie idealny dla siebie model. Pragniemy zaznaczyć, że sprzedawane przez Drewlux ozdobne listwy gzymsowe są nie tylko piękne, ale również bezpieczne i funkcjonalne. Materiał, z którego są wykonane, jest bardzo lekki, więc montaż listw odbywa się bezinwazyjne i jest prosty do wykonania. Dodatkowo odznacza się odpornością na wilgoć i niepalnością. Każda oferowana przez nas listwa gzymsowa ma wewnątrz siebie przestrzeń, która pozwoli na niewidoczne poprowadzenie przewodów wzdłuż sufitu.